Tag Archives: skincare

4 shkaqe te tharjes se lekures

Apr 18, 2016 | Posted by in Keshilla | 0

Keni lekure te thate? Gjenetika ka nje rol ne te por zakonisht ka disa gjera te perditshme qe ndikojne, te cilat edhe mund ti parandalojme. 1. Dushi me uje te nxehte Uji i nxehte ka tendencen te zhveshe lekuren tone nga vajrat natyrale te saj duke e lene te thate, te rrjepur e te skuqur. Mundohuni te laheni me uje te ngrohte e gjithmone te hidratoheni me kremin e trupit pas. Por dhe kremi ushqyes i fytyres duhet te vendoset menjehere pas dushit per te mbajtur ujin brenda lekures. 2. Moti i ftohte Dihet qe dimri me temperaturat e ulta ndikon ne lekuren tone, shumicen e kohes tek duart dhe buzet. Perdorimi i nje kremi duarsh dhe Lip Balmi eshte i rendesishem por KUJDES, edhe lip balmet e blere mund te jene duke ju thare buzet mundohuni te zgjidhni Lip Balme sa me natyrale dhe qe nuk kane keto elemente ne etikete: menthol, phenol dhe camphor. Dhe vera nga ana tjeter, moti i ngohte dhe dielli, pervecse shkakton plakje te parakohshme mund te shkaktoje edhe tharje te lekures. SPF eshte shume i rendesishem. 3. Dehidratimi – Uje dhe sa me shume fruta Dehidratimi i trupit pervecse ne mosfunksionim te shendetit conRead more …

Carrot Salad – the easiest ever

Jul 29, 2015 | Posted by in Salads, Snacks | 0

It is literally the simplest salad you could do; only one and a half ingredients and Whoala!, ready to be tasted. Ingredients: Carrots (the quantity is of your choice) 1-2 tbs of balsamico Black pepper Preparation: Once you wash and peel the carrots, use the same vegetable peeler to obtain a form that facilitates the process of chewing the food but also increases the carrot taste (or this is just my feeling 😮 ). Sprinkle the salad with the balsamico and the black pepper. Advices and benefits: 1. In absence of balsamico you can easily use vinegar and lemon juice. 2. Carrots, thanks to the composition vitamins and other important nutrients are allies of the vision, a beautiful and youthful skin, of a body to be disposed to fight different types of cancerous diseases, infections or diseases that affect the heart, of a body detoxification… there are still reasons why carrots should be used, especially during the time when this vegetable is in season. 3. Do you know that eating carrots fastens the tanning process of the skin, due to the high content of beta-carotene? 4. Balsamico is high in magnesium, potassium, iron and calcium, not only nourishing ingredients butRead more …