Tag Archives: shalqi

Kek me kos vegan dhe shalqi

Apr 16, 2016 | Posted by in Embelsire | 0

Shalqi, OK; Kos, OK… Hmmm, cfare mund te pergatis per dreke? Dicka freskuese, ngopese, me vlera dhe vegane sigurisht. Perberesit: 1/3 e nje shalqiri kos vegan 500 ml (natyral ose me shije te ndryshme, sipas deshires) 1 dardhe fruta te thata pak kanelle pluhur Pergatitja: Shalqirin e presim ne gjysem ne trajte rrethore. Zgjedhim njeren nga gjysmat dhe e presim serish ne trajte rrethore duke perftuar nje prerje me trashesi te konsiderueshme. Sigurisht qe trashesia varet nga uria qe keni dhe lartesia qe doni ti jepni “kekut”. Vijojme me tej duke prere nje pjese kubike nga shalqiri ose cilindrike, perseri kjo varet nga forma qe doni ti jepni kekut tuaj. (Aaa, qenka e veshtire te shpjeguarit e prerjes, gjithsesi besoj se e keni kuptuar qe nga fotoja se si duhet te procedoni 🙂 .) E vendosim copen e prere ne nje pjate pak te thelle dhe siper derdhim kosin vegan. Ne muret e prerjes ngjisim copa te prera dardhe (mund te shtoni dhe fruta te tjera sipas deshires.) Sperkasim perberjen e pergatitur me futa te thata, pluhurin e kanelles dhe mjalte. Gati! Ju befte mire! P.S: Ju nevojitet nje thike, nje pirun dhe nje luge 😀 per ta ngrene ngadaleRead more …

Watermelon-Joghy Cake

Jul 31, 2015 | Posted by in Dessert, Salads | 0

  Watermelon, Check; Joghurt, Check… Hmmm, what could I prepare for lunch? Something refreshing and satiating, nutritive and vegan of course. Ingredients: 1/3 of a watermelon vegan yoghurt: 500 ml (natural or with different tastes) 1 pear dried fruit a pinch of cinnamon powder Preparation: Try to get a cilindric or cubic shape of the watermelon. What I did was first cutting the watermelon in half. Then I took one of the halves and cut it in a circular shape as thick as high I wanted my “cake” to be. Of course the thickness depends also on how hungry you are. I proceeded further by cutting this prepared piece of watermelon in a cylindric shape. (Argh, explaining how to cut it seems to be harder than just doing it; however, I believe that you understood how to proceed by just looking at the picture 🙂 .) Put the cut piece in a somehow deep plate and pour the joghurt above. Stick pear pieces on the walls and top the dish with nuts, honey and cinnamon. Ready-steady-go! Yum, yum, yum. Enjoy your meal! P.S.: You need a knife, a fork and spoon to eat it slowly 😀 and to enjoy everyRead more …