Tag Archives: salad

Cornmeal Porridge

Jul 2, 2015 | Posted by in Main course | 0

A satiating, yet healthy, no-guilt vegan dish I feel the responsibility to make it clear up front. Beware, this is basically a drag and drop cooking process… you can’t find any easier to make – yet tasty – recipe 😀 1. Ingredients 150 gr cornmeal 600 ml water A bit of salt (approx. 1 tbs) Spices of choice. Mine (black and red pepper, garlic, thymian, basil) Some tabasco drops (if you want it spicier) 2. Preparation In a medium heat bring the water (almost) to a boil but make sure to pour the salt and the spices after the water is heated up and slightly before it starts to boil. Pour the cornmeal in the pot with the (almost) boling water and stir continuosly to thicken the content and to avoid a granulitic texture. At this point, lower the heat and continue cooking the content for 10-15 minutes. Stir from time to time to make it a consistent texture. 3. Tips-Top(ing)s and side dishes I used to eat it for breakfast – Yes! you read it right! – and I got addicted. I could have the exact same breakfast, every day, in a row, for a month. The reason isRead more …