Tag Archives: cornmeal

Quiche with corn flour

Sep 9, 2015 | Posted by in Main course | 0

Ingredients: For the Polenta: Cornmeal: 200 gr Water:  600ml For the sauce: Carrot: 1 pc Onion: 1 pc Garlic: 4 cloves Mushrooms: 100gr Cellery: 50gr Zucchini: half of a medium sized pc Red bell pepper: half of a medium sized pc Topping: Chilli tomato sauce Eggplant: 4 thin circular slices Cherry tomatoes: 1 pc Preparation: I decided to experiment a bit this time, but not too much because during a busy weekday none has time for that. I wanted to cook something warm and filling because when cold strikes I just long for a “wintery” dish. Preparing the sauce: Cut all ingredients upfront. I cut the onions in a medium size because I want them to be quite visible. I perform the same with the mushrooms, garlic, and cellery. I cut the carrot in long 4-edged shaped thin stripes using the pealer. I cut the zucchini and the bell pepper in a stripe shape too. In a non sticking pan I warm up a bit of water with spices (of your choice) and add the veggies one by one, starting from onion and garlic and the order of the rest does not matter too much. I cook them in aRead more …

Cornmeal Pizza

Jul 7, 2015 | Posted by in Main course, Starter | 0

Vegan Cornflour Pizza is what I had for dinner and it tasted like heaven. All it requires are the healthy hormone-free and oil-free ingredients and loads of love. Ingredients: Polenta My drag&drop oil free sauce Cellery leaves Cashews Mix it all together and bake for 20 minutes in 180 degrees. It is a clean vegan food from which you can eat as much as your body wants and it is packed in nutrients. Make yourself a favor, keep an eye on your food! 😉

Cornmeal Porridge

Jul 2, 2015 | Posted by in Main course | 0

A satiating, yet healthy, no-guilt vegan dish I feel the responsibility to make it clear up front. Beware, this is basically a drag and drop cooking process… you can’t find any easier to make – yet tasty – recipe 😀 1. Ingredients 150 gr cornmeal 600 ml water A bit of salt (approx. 1 tbs) Spices of choice. Mine (black and red pepper, garlic, thymian, basil) Some tabasco drops (if you want it spicier) 2. Preparation In a medium heat bring the water (almost) to a boil but make sure to pour the salt and the spices after the water is heated up and slightly before it starts to boil. Pour the cornmeal in the pot with the (almost) boling water and stir continuosly to thicken the content and to avoid a granulitic texture. At this point, lower the heat and continue cooking the content for 10-15 minutes. Stir from time to time to make it a consistent texture. 3. Tips-Top(ing)s and side dishes I used to eat it for breakfast – Yes! you read it right! – and I got addicted. I could have the exact same breakfast, every day, in a row, for a month. The reason isRead more …