Tag Archives: byrek


Apr 16, 2016 | Posted by in Antipaste, Pjate e I | 0

Epo te kesh mundesi te besh byrek vegan pa yndyre nga i cili mund te hash sa te te hahet pa shtuar asnje gram e te mos e mendosh te berit vegan… ti qofsh! 😀 1. Përbërësit: 3 pete te medha byreku 2 presh 3 qepë 5 thelpinj hudhre 100 gr lakër e kuqe Erëza sipas shijes. Zgjedhja ime (piper i zi, borzilok, cumin – lloj majdanozi, rigon) Pak kripë 2. Pergatitja: Mbushja: Ne nje tigan jo-ngjites hedhim pak uje dhe pak nga perzierja e erezave. Pasi e ngrohim pak perberjen e perftuar shtojme perimet e prera njera pas tjetres. Gatuajme perimet ne nxehtesi te ulet dhe me tigan me kapak te mbyllur pasi keshtu ruajme shijen dhe vlerat ushqyese te perberesve. Procedojme keshtu derisa perberja te zbutet dhe preshi te filloje te leshoje leng. Mbarojme procesin e gatimit te perimeve duke hedhur kripen dhe pjesen e mbetur te erezave. Lyejme fundin e taves me shume pak vaj (per gatime ne temperatura te larta, sygjerohet vaji i kokosit, pasi ruan vlerat e tij ushqyese edhe ne tempera teper te larta, ndryshe nga vajerat e tjere) me ndihmen e nje pecete kuzhine. Shtrojme peten e pare dhe mbi te gjysmen e Read more …


Jun 29, 2015 | Posted by in Pjate e I, Starter | 0

Easy, a bomb of vitamins, very low in fat, you can eat as much as you feel to 😉 1. Ingredients: 3 big pastry layers 2 leeks 3 onions 5 garlic cloves 100 gr red cabbage Spices of your choice. Mine (black pepper, basil, cumin, oregano) A bit of salt 2. Preparation: Filling: in a non sticking pan we put a bit of water with a pinch of the mixed spices. After this content starts to heat up we add the cut veggies one after the other by continuously mixing the content. In order to preserve the taste of each ingredient and the vitamin collection that the colorful veggies have, a good practice is to cook low heat and to keep the pan covered for as long as possible (taught by a friend – a golden advice 🙂 ). We keep cooking the veggies for as long as they become soft and the leek starts to release water. We season this content with the salt and the rest of the spices. By the means of a kitchen paper roll we dye the baking pan with a very very (literally 🙂 ) small amount of oil. We lay the first pastryRead more …