DIY – Miraculous homemade Balsam Cream

Jul 5, 2015 | Posted by in DIY | 0

  Our Love story: How we met, our complicated relationship, the reunion. Will we have an “…& lived happily ever after” ending? If I would complain at my mom for having dry and no-vital hair, for any scratches in my skin, weak nails that break easily or more teeny hormone related complaints such as: I wish my eylashes were longer, I want thicker hair, oh these pimples that come out without plan-can’t they just disappear?, my mum would quietly respond: -“You can use the balsam, I prepared it, all you have to do is apply.“ Perhaps it was the age or the fact that in my family I’ve always been the most stubborn and spoiled one (”I have been”-a Present Perfect Simple tense, but it has nothing to do with the present, I changed :-D) I have to admit that my answer was not grateful and appreciative. First I would vent: Ehuuu, if I would complain for headache you would advice the balsam too, thanks God you didn’t start putting it in the food yet. Mum: “That would not be a bad idea!” I would use it, but whenever she wasn’t around – yes, just call it EGO – andRead more …

Weight Loss: Walking or High Intensity Workouts?

Jul 4, 2015 | Posted by in Tips and Thoughts | 0

Those feet are made for walking! Walk the fat off! 1. Walking: …does not simply serve to the purpose of transporting yourself from a source to a destination. If you would be asked what does walking mean to you, how would you answer? Personally I would answer: a food for body, mind and soul. Body 2.000 steps equal -100kcal, by walking 10.000 (ca. 7.62 km) steps a day you can easily burn off a meal or earn a decent-sized ice-cream. 😉 It is great to tone your legs, your Kim-Kardashian-most-famous-asset (you got it right, that part of the body) and your jelly-belly. 🙂 It helps your blood circulation, blood pressure and regulates the blood sugar levels (especially good for fighting type 2 diabetes.) Reduces the risk of the coronary heart diseases, osteoporosis (strengthens your bones and increases their density), breast cancer, arthritis (healthy joints.) It is proactive to the brain functionality and it helps to prevent dementia. Furthermore, older people who incorporate walking as a routine have fewer risks from developing brain shrinkage (memory loss.) Wow, the sun is out today? Then congrats, you’ll increase your vitamin D levels (but don’t forget the suncream.) Especially important for those who happenRead more …

Cornmeal Porridge

Jul 2, 2015 | Posted by in Main course | 0

A satiating, yet healthy, no-guilt vegan dish I feel the responsibility to make it clear up front. Beware, this is basically a drag and drop cooking process… you can’t find any easier to make – yet tasty – recipe 😀 1. Ingredients 150 gr cornmeal 600 ml water A bit of salt (approx. 1 tbs) Spices of choice. Mine (black and red pepper, garlic, thymian, basil) Some tabasco drops (if you want it spicier) 2. Preparation In a medium heat bring the water (almost) to a boil but make sure to pour the salt and the spices after the water is heated up and slightly before it starts to boil. Pour the cornmeal in the pot with the (almost) boling water and stir continuosly to thicken the content and to avoid a granulitic texture. At this point, lower the heat and continue cooking the content for 10-15 minutes. Stir from time to time to make it a consistent texture. 3. Tips-Top(ing)s and side dishes I used to eat it for breakfast – Yes! you read it right! – and I got addicted. I could have the exact same breakfast, every day, in a row, for a month. The reason isRead more …

Chew your fat

Jun 30, 2015 | Posted by in Tips and Thoughts | 0

Why is it important to chew your food? Rendesia e pertypjes korrekte te ushqimit. 1. Food is the source of life and as such it should be appreciated. Take your time and try to fully enjoy each and every single ingredient that is found in your food by savoring each morsel. 2. The process of the food breakdown and digestion starts in your mouth. Chewing signals the body to create and release enzymes that assist these processes. If we pass the food without chewing it properly then the stomach will need more time (and also encounter some difficulties) to properly digest them. When taken in the form of squeezed juices or smoothies, we can risk to lazy  our organism, by  turning our chewing muscles into jobless. 3. The more dissolved the food, higher the number of nutrients our organism can absorb. 4. If we chew the food properly and we eat slowly it will be enough for the body to understand whether it is satisfied or it needs more food to achieve the satiation level. In average, our bodies require 20 minutes to make this “judgment”. So, give it its time! 🙂 5. We spend calories while chewing, indeed :-D,Read more …


Jun 29, 2015 | Posted by in Pjate e I, Starter | 0

Easy, a bomb of vitamins, very low in fat, you can eat as much as you feel to 😉 1. Ingredients: 3 big pastry layers 2 leeks 3 onions 5 garlic cloves 100 gr red cabbage Spices of your choice. Mine (black pepper, basil, cumin, oregano) A bit of salt 2. Preparation: Filling: in a non sticking pan we put a bit of water with a pinch of the mixed spices. After this content starts to heat up we add the cut veggies one after the other by continuously mixing the content. In order to preserve the taste of each ingredient and the vitamin collection that the colorful veggies have, a good practice is to cook low heat and to keep the pan covered for as long as possible (taught by a friend – a golden advice 🙂 ). We keep cooking the veggies for as long as they become soft and the leek starts to release water. We season this content with the salt and the rest of the spices. By the means of a kitchen paper roll we dye the baking pan with a very very (literally 🙂 ) small amount of oil. We lay the first pastryRead more …

Mushroom Bruschetta

Jun 29, 2015 | Posted by in Starter | 0

An Easy Peas-y recipe: Mushroom bruschetta 1. Ingredients (For 6-8 people):    600 gr of mushrooms    1 onion    3 garlic cloves (or garlic powder)    30 ml (2 tbs) rice milk    black and red pepper    thymine    a bit of salt    2 baguettes    fresh basil 2. Preparation: To make my life easier I usually cut all the veggies upfront. Depending on how nicely you want to serve them and with what you want to compose them, you define whether the pieces should be small, moderate or big. Once ready, in a preheated (medium heat) pan put all the veggies and add the rice milk. Stir the created content continuously for 5 minutes. Lower the heat and cover the pan to preserve the taste of the veggies. Check the content from time to time to avoid it from sticking to the pan. After 10 minutes add the spices (pepper, thymine) and the salt, mix for the last time and the filling of the bruschetta is ready. Slice the baguettes in thin pieces. Order them in a baking paper and start laying (spreading) the mushroom mixture in each of the pieces. Bake in 230 degrees forRead more …