Vetite e shkelqyera te hudhres ne shendetin tone

Apr 16, 2016 | Posted by in Keshilla | 0

3-4 thelbinj hudhre ne dite?  Hudhra rrjedh nga familja e qepeve dhe ka permbajtje te larte aliumi dhe dialium sulfuri qe eshte dhe arsyeja pse kjo bime kosiderohet si nje super ushqim. Te mirat e hudhres ne shendetin e njeriut: 1. Sherben si ilac kunder: Problemeve me frymemarrjen Paraziteve Problemeve me tretjen Lodhjes Performances se ulet Kolesterolit Atakut te zemres Semundjeve te zemres Hipertensionit Lindjes se parakohshme Krijimit te infeksioneve te ndryshme 2. Mendohet (nga eksperienca te jetuara dhe studime pergjithesuese te kryera ne kete fushe) qe ndihmon ne parandalimin e kancerit te mushkerive, prostates, gjirit, stomakut, trurit dhe zorreve. 3. Konsiderohet si nje afrodiziak i fuqishem. 4. Ka aftesi stimuluese. 5. Ka permbajtje te larte vitaminash (C, B6, B1), mineralesh (kalcium, baker, potas, selen, fosfor, mangan, hekur, fosfor etj.), fibrash dhe pothuajse te gjitha llojet e proteinave, megjithese ne 4 thelbinj hudhre sasite jane te vogla. Eksperienca personale: si kujdesem qe te marr sasine e nevojshme cdo dite?  1. Permes ushqimit. Personalisht hudhren dhe te gjitha perimet e familjes se qepeve i pelqej shume. Si rrjedhoje i perdor shume sa here gatuaj, ne salce apo sallate. Sigurisht nuk eshte etike te hash hudher pak ore para se te takoheshRead more …

Si te zhvillojme vese te shendetshme ne te ushqyer

Apr 16, 2016 | Posted by in Humbje peshe, Keshilla | 0

Te ngrenit eshte nje proces individual perderisa secili prej nesh e lidh me ndjeshmeri te ndryshme. Per disa mund te jete pjesa e preferuar e dites, per te tjere zevendeson shpatullen e nje miku te mire ne te cilen gjejme mbeshtetje sa here jemi te trishtuar apo pak depresive. Disa njerez e lidhin te ngrenit me festime apo mbledhje me miq, me nje bisede te kendshme apo film te mire. Cfare dihet tashme eshte se te ushqyerit ndikon vertete shume ne shendetin tone te pergjithshem dhe ky ndikim eshte i rendesishem pasi mund te lere gjurme te pashmangshme ne organizem. Thene kete, kuptohet sa e vlefshme eshte te kemi nje sjellje te shendetshme ne kuzhine ose me mire, te zhvillojme vese te shendetshme te cilat do na sillnin vetem pozitivitet. Ne kete postim do rendis disa pika te cilat i sygjeroj nga eksperienca personale. 1. Zhdukni nga shtepia/frigoriferi cdo ushqim i cili nuk ka vlera ushqyese dhe nuk eshte i shendetshem. Pastro dhomen, kuzhinen (frigoriferin), zyren nga ushqime te tilla. Zevendesoi ato me zgjedhje te shendetshme si per shembull drithera, fruta dhe perime. Kjo ishte gjeja e pare qe bera kur u ktheva ne vegane. Per mua ishte mjaft eRead more …

How to develop healthy eating habits

Dec 5, 2015 | Posted by in Tips and Thoughts | 0

Eating is an individual process and everyone of us relates it to different emotions. For some people it is the favorite part of the day, for some others it’s like the best friend’s shoulder that is always there whenever they are sad or a bit depressed. There are other people that link it with gatherings, celebrations, a good conversation or a good movie. What we know for sure is that what you eat definitely affects our overall health in a longterm and significant way. Said this, it is very important to develop healthy habits, that would just bring positive outcomes in our direction. I had some thoughts on this topic based also on my personal experience and decided to write them down in this post. 1. Clean your living area from food that just gives you an instant pleasure but no long lasting value. Let it be your room, your fridge (house) or office. Remove all the junk food and substitute it with healthy choices like fruit, vegetables and healthy grains. This was the first tip that helped me to transition to vegan overnight. As a student who lived alone and ate in the Mensa I used to not cookRead more …

The amazing benefits of using garlic

Oct 2, 2015 | Posted by in Tips and Thoughts | 0

3-4 garlic cloves a day? Garlic derives from the onion family and its high content of sulfur dialium and allium is the main reason why this plant is considered as a super food. The benefits of garlic on human health: 1. It serves as a repellent for: Breathing problems Problems with digestion parasites Fatigue Poor performance Cholesterol Heart Attack Heart diseases Hypertension Premature birth Creation of various infections 2. It is thought (this information derives from lived experiences and several studies conducted in this field) that garlic helps to prevent lung, prostate, breast, stomach, brain and bowel cancer types. 3. It is considered as a powerful aphrodisiac. 4. It has stimulating effects. 5. Garlic has a high content of vitamins (C, B6, B1), minerals (calcium, copper, potassium, selenium, phosphorus, manganese, iron, phosphorus, etc.), fiber and almost all types of protein, although in 4 garlic cloves these quantities are small. My personal experience: how to take care of the necessary daily amount? 1. Through food. Garlic and all the veggies belonging to the onions family never miss my eating table. In order to use the necessary amount I insert them in sauces and salads. As it is not that ethical toRead more …

Quiche with corn flour

Sep 9, 2015 | Posted by in Main course | 0

Ingredients: For the Polenta: Cornmeal: 200 gr Water:  600ml For the sauce: Carrot: 1 pc Onion: 1 pc Garlic: 4 cloves Mushrooms: 100gr Cellery: 50gr Zucchini: half of a medium sized pc Red bell pepper: half of a medium sized pc Topping: Chilli tomato sauce Eggplant: 4 thin circular slices Cherry tomatoes: 1 pc Preparation: I decided to experiment a bit this time, but not too much because during a busy weekday none has time for that. I wanted to cook something warm and filling because when cold strikes I just long for a “wintery” dish. Preparing the sauce: Cut all ingredients upfront. I cut the onions in a medium size because I want them to be quite visible. I perform the same with the mushrooms, garlic, and cellery. I cut the carrot in long 4-edged shaped thin stripes using the pealer. I cut the zucchini and the bell pepper in a stripe shape too. In a non sticking pan I warm up a bit of water with spices (of your choice) and add the veggies one by one, starting from onion and garlic and the order of the rest does not matter too much. I cook them in aRead more …

Watermelon-Joghy Cake

Jul 31, 2015 | Posted by in Dessert, Salads | 0

  Watermelon, Check; Joghurt, Check… Hmmm, what could I prepare for lunch? Something refreshing and satiating, nutritive and vegan of course. Ingredients: 1/3 of a watermelon vegan yoghurt: 500 ml (natural or with different tastes) 1 pear dried fruit a pinch of cinnamon powder Preparation: Try to get a cilindric or cubic shape of the watermelon. What I did was first cutting the watermelon in half. Then I took one of the halves and cut it in a circular shape as thick as high I wanted my “cake” to be. Of course the thickness depends also on how hungry you are. I proceeded further by cutting this prepared piece of watermelon in a cylindric shape. (Argh, explaining how to cut it seems to be harder than just doing it; however, I believe that you understood how to proceed by just looking at the picture 🙂 .) Put the cut piece in a somehow deep plate and pour the joghurt above. Stick pear pieces on the walls and top the dish with nuts, honey and cinnamon. Ready-steady-go! Yum, yum, yum. Enjoy your meal! P.S.: You need a knife, a fork and spoon to eat it slowly 😀 and to enjoy everyRead more …

Carrot Salad – the easiest ever

Jul 29, 2015 | Posted by in Salads, Snacks | 0

It is literally the simplest salad you could do; only one and a half ingredients and Whoala!, ready to be tasted. Ingredients: Carrots (the quantity is of your choice) 1-2 tbs of balsamico Black pepper Preparation: Once you wash and peel the carrots, use the same vegetable peeler to obtain a form that facilitates the process of chewing the food but also increases the carrot taste (or this is just my feeling 😮 ). Sprinkle the salad with the balsamico and the black pepper. Advices and benefits: 1. In absence of balsamico you can easily use vinegar and lemon juice. 2. Carrots, thanks to the composition vitamins and other important nutrients are allies of the vision, a beautiful and youthful skin, of a body to be disposed to fight different types of cancerous diseases, infections or diseases that affect the heart, of a body detoxification… there are still reasons why carrots should be used, especially during the time when this vegetable is in season. 3. Do you know that eating carrots fastens the tanning process of the skin, due to the high content of beta-carotene? 4. Balsamico is high in magnesium, potassium, iron and calcium, not only nourishing ingredients butRead more …

Oil-Free French Fries

Jul 15, 2015 | Posted by in Main course, Snacks | 0

Whaaaat? Healthy french fries? Does such a thing exist? Of course it does. I was surprised too when I first got introduced to this simply made dish due to my background: – french fries are a No No No food – .  Today all the parts of the puzzle make sense to me. The main struggle with getting pounds easily or manifesting several serious diseases, is not sugar, but the processed sugar combined with fat (let it be saturated or unsaturated.) All we do is following the short cut and blaming potatoes, flour, pasta, right away, without stopping for a while and paying a deeper thought to the phenomenon. We are frying those little potato babies in a huge amount of oil; we tend to overfill the flour with butter when cooking and we forget to check that in most of the cases the topping sauces of our pasta or rice are fatter and perhaps higher in calories compared to the pasta or rice portion themselves. Not to mention the food industry who made an excellent job in fooling us with the ‘sugar’ argument. The general trend states that sugar is the enemy and that healthy denotes eating everything butRead more …

Cornmeal Pizza

Jul 7, 2015 | Posted by in Main course, Starter | 0

Vegan Cornflour Pizza is what I had for dinner and it tasted like heaven. All it requires are the healthy hormone-free and oil-free ingredients and loads of love. Ingredients: Polenta My drag&drop oil free sauce Cellery leaves Cashews Mix it all together and bake for 20 minutes in 180 degrees. It is a clean vegan food from which you can eat as much as your body wants and it is packed in nutrients. Make yourself a favor, keep an eye on your food! 😉