Balsam Cudiberes – I bere vete

Apr 16, 2016 | Posted by in DIY, Keshilla, Lekure | 0

Pak histori: Si u njohem une dhe balsami, maredhenia jone gjithmone e komplikuar, ritakimi dhe ribashkimi. Ka premisa per nje fund te tipit: ” …dhe jetuan pergjithmone te lumtur?“ Nese mamit tim do i ankohesha per floket pa shkelqim, ndonje gervishtje ne lekure, thonj te dobet e qe thyhen lehte apo ankesa me trajte me adoleshenteske (sapo shperfytyrova nje fjale 😮 ) te tipit: sikur ti kisha qerpiket me te gjate, pse s’kam me shume floke e me me teper shkelqim, dua fytyre te paster – me cmenden keto pucrrat qe dalin pa plan, ajo teper e qete do pergjigjej: -“merr balsamin, e kam pergatitur, vetem ta perdoresh te mbetet.” Sigurisht, ndoshta shkaku i moshes apo i faktit qe gjithmone ne familje kam qene pak kokeforte dhe e llastuar (kam qene – koha e shkuar e tejkaluar, e lashte fare, s’jam me :-D), pergjigja ime nuk ishte aspak mirenjohese dhe falenderuese. Fillimisht shfryja: -Ehuuu, sikur te te them kam dhimbje koke prap balsamin do me keshilloje, mire qe s’na e fut dhe ne ushqim. Ajo: “S’do ishte ide e keqe!”. Pastaj kur ajo nuk ishte verdalle – ceshtje uni – e merrja dhe e provoja. Dhe rezultatet ishin shume teRead more …

DIY – Miraculous homemade Balsam Cream

Jul 5, 2015 | Posted by in DIY | 0

  Our Love story: How we met, our complicated relationship, the reunion. Will we have an “…& lived happily ever after” ending? If I would complain at my mom for having dry and no-vital hair, for any scratches in my skin, weak nails that break easily or more teeny hormone related complaints such as: I wish my eylashes were longer, I want thicker hair, oh these pimples that come out without plan-can’t they just disappear?, my mum would quietly respond: -“You can use the balsam, I prepared it, all you have to do is apply.“ Perhaps it was the age or the fact that in my family I’ve always been the most stubborn and spoiled one (”I have been”-a Present Perfect Simple tense, but it has nothing to do with the present, I changed :-D) I have to admit that my answer was not grateful and appreciative. First I would vent: Ehuuu, if I would complain for headache you would advice the balsam too, thanks God you didn’t start putting it in the food yet. Mum: “That would not be a bad idea!” I would use it, but whenever she wasn’t around – yes, just call it EGO – andRead more …