Mushroom Bruschetta


An Easy Peas-y recipe: Mushroom bruschetta

1. Ingredients (For 6-8 people):

  •    600 gr of mushrooms
  •    1 onion
  •    3 garlic cloves (or garlic powder)
  •    30 ml (2 tbs) rice milk
  •    black and red pepper
  •    thymine
  •    a bit of salt
  •    2 baguettes
  •    fresh basil

2. Preparation:

To make my life easier I usually cut all the veggies upfront. Depending on how nicely you want to serve them and with what you want to compose them, you define whether the pieces should be small, moderate or big.

Once ready, in a preheated (medium heat) pan put all the veggies and add the rice milk. Stir the created content continuously for 5 minutes.

Lower the heat and cover the pan to preserve the taste of the veggies. Check the content from time to time to avoid it from sticking to the pan.

After 10 minutes add the spices (pepper, thymine) and the salt, mix for the last time and the filling of the bruschetta is ready.

Slice the baguettes in thin pieces.

Order them in a baking paper and start laying (spreading) the mushroom mixture in each of the pieces.

Bake in 230 degrees for 10 minutes.

For a scent of freshness, spread some fresh basil on top of the bruschetta.

***FactOfTheDay: Basil is considered to be one of the world’s healthiest food; DNA protection and cardiovascular health friendly 😀

Ju befte mire! Guten Apetit! Enjoy!

3. General tips and conclusions:

This is a fast and easy recipe that you can also use for special occasions, as an appetizer when you are organizing a food meet up with a lot of people.

I will avoid posting exact nutrition values in my recipes but my lifestyle is high in carbs and very low in fat, which means that this recipe is low in fat too (veggies in general are considered to be very low in fat, rice milk has a low fat value and flours in general are low in fat). If you were careful, you noticed that I avoided frying or baking with oil or butter. I am not a big fan of any type (saturated or unsaturated) of added fat as fruits and veggies have some by themselves. Therefore I cook by using a non-sticking pan and a bit water with the mixture of the spices I like, which I heat a bit up before putting the rest. In special occasions, when I cook for friends, I use rice milk or any other type of vegan (plant) milk in moderation as the flavor and the colors are better.

For the baguettes, try to choose the ones made from whole grains or corn flour as they are more nutritive.

If you are a spice lover, add all your favorites but in moderation, so that they do not hide or “destroy“ the flavor of the other ingredients.

Try to be moderate with the salt as it is considered to be a water retainer and somehow impedes the normal process of the body in flushing out excessive toxins and water.

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