Watermelon-Joghy Cake



Watermelon, Check; Joghurt, Check… Hmmm, what could I prepare for lunch? Something refreshing and satiating, nutritive and vegan of course.

1/3 of a watermelon
vegan yoghurt: 500 ml (natural or with different tastes)
1 pear
dried fruit
a pinch of cinnamon powder

Try to get a cilindric or cubic shape of the watermelon. What I did was first cutting the watermelon in half. Then I took one of the halves and cut it in a circular shape as thick as high I wanted my “cake” to be. Of course the thickness depends also on how hungry you are. I proceeded further by cutting this prepared piece of watermelon in a cylindric shape. (Argh, explaining how to cut it seems to be harder than just doing it; however, I believe that you understood how to proceed by just looking at the picture 🙂 .) Put the cut piece in a somehow deep plate and pour the joghurt above. Stick pear pieces on the walls and top the dish with nuts, honey and cinnamon.

Ready-steady-go! Yum, yum, yum. Enjoy your meal!

P.S.: You need a knife, a fork and spoon to eat it slowly 😀 and to enjoy every single bite.


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