Oil-Free French Fries


Whaaaat? Healthy french fries? Does such a thing exist? Of course it does. I was surprised too when I first got introduced to this simply made dish due to my background: – french fries are a No No No food – .  Today all the parts of the puzzle make sense to me. The main struggle with getting pounds easily or manifesting several serious diseases, is not sugar, but the processed sugar combined with fat (let it be saturated or unsaturated.) All we do is following the short cut and blaming potatoes, flour, pasta, right away, without stopping for a while and paying a deeper thought to the phenomenon. We are frying those little potato babies in a huge amount of oil; we tend to overfill the flour with butter when cooking and we forget to check that in most of the cases the topping sauces of our pasta or rice are fatter and perhaps higher in calories compared to the pasta or rice portion themselves. Not to mention the food industry who made an excellent job in fooling us with the ‘sugar’ argument. The general trend states that sugar is the enemy and that healthy denotes eating everything but in small portions while keeping track on the calories. This trend is usually served as a study result by very perstigious newspapers. We do the rest, spreading what we read as parrots in our social life and make it a strong standing trend, a theorem.

As usual, taken by the desire to talk about my take on the term ‘healthy lifestyle’, I forgot following up on what I started to write about. 🙂

The recipe is economical, with very few components, simple and satiating. Potato on the other hand is very important to the cell creation process, particularly the neural ones, thus it helps in a healthy nervous system. Furthermore, it protects the cardiovascular system and is very good for people that perform an active or sportive life.


  • Potatoes (the quantity is optional)
  • Spices (the type of used spices is optional)
  • Salt (in a moderate amount)


Cut the potatoes in various forms; thin circular shapes or long strips.

List them nicely in a baking pan over a baking paper.

In a small pot, mix the spices and the salt.

Spray the mixture on top of the potatoes.

Bake them in a pre-heated oven, at a temperature of 250 degrees Celsius, for 40-45 minutes, until they get the characteristic reddish color.

No, no oil is needed in this case and as always, you can really smash those potatoes in without counting calories. 😉


instagramby feather

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