DIY – Miraculous homemade Balsam Cream



Our Love story: How we met, our complicated relationship, the reunion. Will we have an “…& lived happily ever after” ending?

If I would complain at my mom for having dry and no-vital hair, for any scratches in my skin, weak nails that break easily or more teeny hormone related complaints such as: I wish my eylashes were longer, I want thicker hair, oh these pimples that come out without plan-can’t they just disappear?, my mum would quietly respond:

-“You can use the balsam, I prepared it, all you have to do is apply.“

Perhaps it was the age or the fact that in my family I’ve always been the most stubborn and spoiled one (”I have been”-a Present Perfect Simple tense, but it has nothing to do with the present, I changed :-D) I have to admit that my answer was not grateful and appreciative.

First I would vent: Ehuuu, if I would complain for headache you would advice the balsam too, thanks God you didn’t start putting it in the food yet.

Mum: “That would not be a bad idea!”

I would use it, but whenever she wasn’t around – yes, just call it EGO – and the results were really quick, it was only a matter of days. At that age I was not conscious and systematic in using it even though I knew very well that the balm was indeed miraculous.

To be true I have to admit that my attitude towards a mother with such high senses for bio and organic products, in a time where these products didn’t even have 1% of the importance and comerciality they have nowadays in the nutrition and cosmetics sector, was depreciating. She always tried to make a way to use as few as possible with-chemical products when it came at putting something in our body. Always a master in articulating the reasons why hair colors, the numerous creams, parfumes, make-up kits are not a good idea. Her favorite expression when I say that I am tired with my appearance and would like to change something is:

“Try to be as natural and simple as possible sweetheart, otherwise you’ll end up being a set of adjustments, nothing fresh and pleasant to look at anymore.”

I think I will never manage to appreciate the virtues of that person as much as she deserves!!!

I do live in a hilly city, and especially in summer the yellow Balsam flower is widespread. With no second thought I decided to collect some and told my mom that I wanted to make something similar to her famous balm. I am not a good fan of creams, facial cleansers, make up or all these skincare and Co. products you find in drugstores or pharmacies, perhaps this is an inherited attitude. The reason why is simple, I like to have a total control on everything in my life, and somehow I don’t believe that a junk of chemicals used daily would have applausible results and no counter effects. As long as I am sure that I EAT my vitamins 😀 daily, the only things I put in my face are coconut and argan oil, eye pencil, mascara and a lip pencil. (maybe in the future I will write in detail on this topic.)

The preparation process of the cream was extremely simple and quick.

All I have to do now is let it relax in the sun for a couple of weeks.



Miraculous … Why?

Mom was right, the Balsam flower combined with other organic plant oil extracts, multiplies its values. External uses:

  • Hair: use it for damaged hair that have lost their vitality or in case you want to thicken their density and make them longer and healthier in general.
  • Skin: you can use it against pimples, acne and as a daily moisturiser, for a smooth skin.
  • Solar: Yeah yeah, that chocolate skin tonality, highly appreciated in spring / summer. Combined with a bit of beach water (not neccessarily) it absorbs very well those blessed sunlight beams, but be careful to not stay long in the sun because the effect of this combination is really high and you just need 15-20 minutes when expossed to a moderate sun heat. Furthermore, I would advise that you use it after you have got already a bit of tan.
  • Burn signs: Here I speak from experience. I have an interesting “sign”  that dates from my early childhood, a burn sign, and for my good or bad luck I have it in the face. True,
    in a 100% visible position 🙂 This sign has had a huge impact on my
    character I would say (not sure whether someday I will decide to write about this :-).) Over the years, the sign started to disappear, and this is thanks to my mom. She begged me to use the balsam daily, I didn’t do it as regularly, but even the sporadic use made a really good job. 🙂
  • Nails: Use it to strengthen and extend the nails.
  • Eyelashes: Would you like to have long and thick eyelashes? Use it!
  • It is scientifically proven that the yellow Balsam cream or oil treats hemorroids.

If to be used as tea, the balsam tea would help with:

  • Stomach (gastritis, ulcers)
  • Liver
  • Rectum
  • Relief of stress and depression

In case you feel somehow stressed, have loss of appetite, you feel like vomiting, have an abdominal food run, a disturbing acidity in the stomach, headaches, you know what to do 😉

And, as always, my mom was totally right! This plant is eatable, in any of its connotations 😀

instagramby feather

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